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Yong-Kwon, Pioneer in Youth Videography

Talofa lava!

My name is Yong-Kwon Suafa.

I am a freelance videographer/graphic designer and the founder of Keen Creatives. With the vision of bringing quality video content to our youth as well as tackling social issues faced in today's world, my team and I aim to use Keen Creatives as a tool to bring about these changes for the better.

Keen Creatives, video and graphic design, strives to be a voice for our youth and bring attention to often overlooked issues. They hope to inspire our viewers to take action, to make positive changes in the local Samoan community.

When asked why Yong-Kwon chose this path, he said,

"Filmmaking and video editing as my career path. The answer is pretty simple. I’ve always enjoyed seeing people’s reactions to my digital creations. It’s what fuels me to keep developing my craft, knowing that in one way or another, my work makes a difference."

If you have a portfolio of digital creations to showcase to potential clients, it can really help you stand out. It's also imperative to build relationships in the industry, as networking can be an excellent way to find job opportunities, such as Yong-Kwan.

"Multimedia production is my creative way of interacting with the world. It wasn't until recently that I started pursuing my childhood dream as a lifetime goal. This decision hasn’t led to waste as I’ve secured jobs with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), The Pacific Community Filmmaking Consortium (PCFC) and the University of the South Pacific (USP)," says Yong-Kwon.

As a team player, Yong-Kwon recognizes his teammates' great work.

"None of this would be possible without my trustworthy team, Eric Ete, Jack Toosavili, Daniel Huch, Richard Kurt Schmidt, George Komiti and Tamiana Olano. Our team of visionaries believe in making the most of what one has to deliver the best results in both multimedia and life in general. This, in addition to persistence and self-integrity, is the formula we trust will take us far on the road to success. I believe filmmaking and media play a crucial role in today's world. It all depends on how we, the young people, use our generational gifts (such as multimedia production) to ‘capture creative change".

In response to being asked what advice he'd give to aspiring freelancers,

Yong-Kwon says,

" The world of multimedia is constantly evolving. Make sure to keep up with the times, but do not let go of your core values that define who you are as an aspiring filmmaker/videographer. Maintain your integrity before developing your skill. "

Still, wondering if videography or graphic design is for you?

You can find Yong-Kwan on Instagram and Facebook



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