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Plan Your Career!


The process of career planning involves determining what you would like to do with your life and how you intend to achieve it. In other words, it should not be seen as a "one-and-done" activity, but as an ongoing process that you revisit whenever it becomes necessary, especially when your circumstances or the world have changed.  Career planning is an iterative process that requires regular reflection and adjustment to stay on track.


Depending on the individual, career planning may take different forms. Your values and skills can guide you to the type of role that will be the best fit for you, your lifestyle, and your goals. Once you have identified the ideal role, you can then research different organizations and job postings to find the best fit. Assessments, coaching, and education/training can then provide you with the information and skills you need to succeed in your chosen career.

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An assessment of your current skills and abilities.

Who you are now and Where you wanna be.


"To be" or "Not to be",

Choosing a career doesnt have to be a difficult life choice

Identifying employment opportunities

Locate potential employers who are hiring your field of interest.

Dont know where to look?


After determining where you wish to work, you can begin your search. The time has come for you to present yourself in the best light and build a CV

prepare & apply
for jobs

After completing the first four steps to career planning. You are now able to apply for jobs with confidence.

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